Whistleblowers Can Defeat Medicare Advantage Fraud Fraud By The NumbersFalse Claims ActFraud By The NumbersHealthcareWhistleblower 101 Whistleblowers Can Defeat Medicare Advantage Fraud Whistleblowers, such as medical coders, providers, and employees of Medicare Advantage plans, have already had success in reporting fraud.
No Defense for Defense Spending Fraud Fraud By The NumbersDefenseFalse Claims ActFraud By The NumbersWhistleblower 101 No Defense for Defense Spending Fraud Defense industry whistleblowers are as much a part of America’s national security program as its soldiers.
The Need for Whistleblowers in Combating COVID-19 Related Healthcare Fraud Fraud By The NumbersCOVID-19False Claims ActFraud By The NumbersHealthcareWhistleblower 101 The Need for Whistleblowers in Combating COVID-19 Related Healthcare Fraud While the DOJ coordinated efforts are continuing, whistleblowers remain crucial for reporting fraudulent activity.
On Clean Air Day, Whistleblowers Needed to Ensure IRA Implementation Fraud By The NumbersFalse Claims ActFraud By The NumbersWhistleblower 101 On Clean Air Day, Whistleblowers Needed to Ensure IRA Implementation Today, the world’s Fourth Annual Clean Air Day, we celebrate the United States’ historic investment in protecting our climate.
Why Whistleblowers Will Be Vital for the Inflation Reduction Act NewsFalse Claims ActHealthcareWhistleblower 101 Why Whistleblowers Will Be Vital for the Inflation Reduction Act Whether doling money out or bringing money in, one thing is clear, whistleblowers will be key to ensuring that the goals of the law are met.
Whistleblowers Can Help Fight Evasion Of Tariffs And Customs Duties UncategorizedFalse Claims ActWhistleblower 101 Whistleblowers Can Help Fight Evasion Of Tariffs And Customs Duties Whistleblowers can play an important role is fighting against customs fraud.
Mining for Gold: Examining the New Trend of Data-Driven False Claims Act Cases NewsCOVID-19CybersecurityFalse Claims ActWhistleblower 101 Mining for Gold: Examining the New Trend of Data-Driven False Claims Act Cases If you are going to file a data-driven case, it can be a good idea to hire an investigator to dig up dirt and basic background information.
Modernizing the Davis-Bacon Act Would Benefit Whistleblowers NewsFalse Claims ActWhistleblower 101 Modernizing the Davis-Bacon Act Would Benefit Whistleblowers A major hurdle that any potential whistleblower faces is the impact that their courageous decision has on their lives.
Fraud Undermines Commitment to Our Troops NewsFalse Claims ActWhistleblower 101 Fraud Undermines Commitment to Our Troops Even to this day, a large focus of government oversight and contractor accountability remains the defense industry, for good reason.
A Look Back on the Success of the SEC Whistleblower Program NewsFinancial FraudsWhistleblower 101 A Look Back on the Success of the SEC Whistleblower Program How are they doing? To date, the SEC has paid approximately $1.2 billion to 256 individuals as awards under the Program.