Fraud By The NumbersFalse Claims ActFraud By The NumbersWhistleblower 101
Whistleblowers Were Never Promised a Rose Garden, But What if They Were?
What if we filled the Rose Garden with those who have put a spotlight on fraud, and the celebration was enough to give 3,000 new whistleblowers the confidence to step forward?
Fraud By The NumbersFalse Claims ActFraud By The Numbers
The U.S. Attorneys’ Offices – By the Numbers
Of the 94 U.S. Attorney offices across the country, there are 16 with over a billion in False Claims Act settlements and judgments. Check out the trends!
Fraud By The NumbersFalse Claims ActFraud By The NumbersHealthcare
One Year’s Tax Revenue is Another Year’s Purchases of Drugs and Biologics
Nearly 70 percent of U.S. adults aged 40-79 used at least one prescription drug in 2019. In this blog, we explore the prevalence of fraud in the pharmaceutical industry.
Fraud By The NumbersFalse Claims ActFinancial FraudsFraud By The Numbers
Mind the Tax Gap!
There's a "tax gap" plaguing U.S. states, but some, like New York are fighting back. Already, the Empire State returned $578 million to the state using its False Claims Act.