Fraud By The NumbersNewsFalse Claims ActFraud By The Numbers
Private Insurers May Dole More Than $200 Billion Each Year to Fraudsters
While whistleblowers are usually limited to reporting fraud against the government, two statutes aim to deter fraud against private insurance companies, as well.
Fraud By The NumbersNewsCOVID-19Fraud By The NumbersHealthcareWhistleblower 101
Highlighting Whistleblowers on Patient Safety Day
Medical errors are the eighth leading cause of death in the United States. More people die from medical errors than from motor vehicle accidents, breast cancer, or AIDS.
Fraud By The NumbersNewsFinancial FraudsFraud By The NumbersWhistleblower 101
How the Government Combats Tax Fraud
The state False Claims Acts in Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, New York, Rhode Island, and DC all explicitly recognize that whistleblowers can help reduce this tax gap.