Fraud By The NumbersFinancial FraudsFraud By The NumbersWhistleblower 101
Bring Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Whistleblowers
Just today, the SEC Chairman testified his agency must accomplish its mission with significantly reduced staff, making the contribution of whistleblowers even more critical.
Fraud By The NumbersFinancial FraudsFraud By The Numbers
Who Can We Rely On When the Watchdogs Are Not Doing Their Jobs? Whistleblowers.
The one group whose real independence can be counted on to help the SEC protect investors is not the alleged independent accounting groups, it's whistleblowers.
Expand this whistleblower program to stop Putin’s cronies from evading sanctions
The new program is far more robust than its predecessor program, given it financially incentivizes the insider with a percentage of what the government recovers.