Too Many False Claims Act Cases? Fraud By The NumbersNewsFalse Claims ActFraud By The Numbers Too Many False Claims Act Cases? Of the 309,102 new civil cases filed in the U.S., only 652 were qui tam actions -- slightly more cases filed than in 2021.
IRS Whistleblower Program Report Shows Increase in Award Amounts, Processing Times Fraud By The NumbersNewsFraud By The NumbersFraud in AmericaWhistleblower 101 IRS Whistleblower Program Report Shows Increase in Award Amounts, Processing Times Although the total dollar amount of awards increased from FY 2021, the actual number of awards decreased from the 179 that were issued the prior year.
Who Blows the Whistle? Fraud By The NumbersNewsFalse Claims ActFraud By The NumbersWhistleblower 101 Who Blows the Whistle? Whistleblowers who don’t report first are balancing the likelihood of being ignored against the real possibility of retaliation.
At Your Service: Government Procurement of Services Fraud By The NumbersNewsFalse Claims ActFraud By The NumbersHealthcare At Your Service: Government Procurement of Services The federal government’s procurement of tens of billions of dollars for engineering and technical services is also vulnerable to fraud.
How Much Does a Pharmaceutical Product Cost the Government? It Depends… Fraud By The NumbersNewsFalse Claims ActFraud By The NumbersHealthcare How Much Does a Pharmaceutical Product Cost the Government? It Depends… The CBO’s complex flow charts, which are supposed to clarify how pricing is determined, are virtually indecipherable to the average consumer.
The Greatest Fraud Ever? Fraud By The NumbersNewsCOVID-19False Claims ActFraud By The Numbers The Greatest Fraud Ever? The total estimated fraud for the three pandemic relief programs – PPP, EIDL, and UI – a total of at least $300 billion.
SEC’s New Cybersecurity Disclosure Rule Targets Increasing Risk Fraud By The NumbersNewsCybersecurityFinancial FraudsFraud By The Numbers SEC’s New Cybersecurity Disclosure Rule Targets Increasing Risk The growing frequency of cyberattacks is also a stark reminder of the pervasive threat they pose to businesses and investors alike.
The False Claims Act Has Been A Successful Tool For Combatting Customs Fraud, Mostly Thanks To Whistleblowers Fraud By The NumbersNewsFalse Claims ActFraud By The Numbers The False Claims Act Has Been A Successful Tool For Combatting Customs Fraud, Mostly Thanks To Whistleblowers The data on these settlements also demonstrate that government customs enforcement is connected to the ongoing trade wars with China.
Fraud Follows Investments into the Cryptocurrency Markets Fraud By The NumbersNewsFalse Claims ActFinancial FraudsFraud By The Numbers Fraud Follows Investments into the Cryptocurrency Markets The growth of so-called “crypto fraud” has taken on heightened concerns, as even more capital is projected to flow into the cryptocurrency markets.
A Growing Threat to Medical Devices: Cybersecurity Fraud Fraud By The NumbersNewsFalse Claims ActFraud By The NumbersHealthcare A Growing Threat to Medical Devices: Cybersecurity Fraud A growing amount of medical devices are becoming increasingly vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks, rising 59% in just one year.